LAC Digital Health Network

Towards collaboration, dialogue, and the exchange of knowledge and experiences among the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean to advance the digital transformation in regional health

What is RACSEL?

The Latin American and Caribbean digital health network, hereinafter referred to as RACSEL, is an initiative of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) supported by the Inter-American Development Bank. It is established as a systematic horizontal technical cooperation mechanism through which exchanges are promoted, multiplied, strengthened, and energized, aimed at developing, disseminating, and implementing best practices in digital health to support institutional development processes and their progress in the region.




To promote collaborative work and cooperation in the field of digital health, so that the good practices and results achieved in one country can be leveraged by others, resulting in increased efficiency and effectiveness. This, in turn, leads to an improvement in the quality of healthcare services and overall social growth and well-being.




To be one of the main global networks of cooperation in electronic and digital health, and a reference in the dissemination, promotion, and adoption of standards, through dialogue, coordination, and the exchange of knowledge and experience


April 14th, 2022


Project focused on maximizing cooperation in digital health between Latin American and Caribbean countries advances in training and prepares regional event 



Different training sessions to deliver technical content that allow optimizing interoperability opportunities between different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, in addition to generating networks at the local level and promoting the conception of possible new projects are advancing according to project planning.


Within the framework of the Regional Public Good (RPG) RG-T3769: "Digital Transformation in Health to Mitigate the Effects of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean", the American Network of Cooperation for Electronic Health (RACSEL) has arranged for the technical teams of the different countries a series of trainings that allow them to support the region in terms of digital transformation in health.


Cross-border signature / National PKI, Verifiable Credentials, HL7 FHIR Fundamentals and EU digital COVID-19 certificate, are some of the courses that have been carried out during the execution of the RPG, which will continue in April and May hand in hand with IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise). The members of participating countries that make up the RPG have been able to strengthen their knowledge of cross-border interoperability through the development of COVID-19 certificates under the EU DCC standard, in addition to the reinforcement of other skills, all framed within the project known as LAC Pass.


In addition to the different training sessions, there is the regional event called Conectatón, to be held between May 30 and June 1, with the aim of demonstrating that it is currently possible for the different information systems of the countries to exchange, integrate and use cooperatively health data.


During the event, the participating countries will be able to authenticate, among themselves, the data of their COVID certificates in a secure manner, both in the issuance and reception of information, including only essential information.


This project hopes to lay the foundations in the future for the exchange of care data and telehealth within and between countries in the region.